BTC Residential Blog

Fiber Conversion Process

Written by BTC BROADBAND | Apr 8, 2024 7:00:46 PM

You may have noticed utility trucks and workers in your neighborhood as BTC Broadband’s internet infrastructure being upgraded in our service area in Bixby. Conversion from the older copper internet lines to a new fiber optic network provides a major upgrade to your browsing with faster speeds, improved reliability and more stable performance. Expanding our fiber network is an ongoing process, and we want to bring fiber connectivity to every home. With each neighborhood installation we complete, we get closer to our goal of providing excellent fiber internet service to our entire community.

Installing brand new fiber lines is a 6-step process that must be completed with minimal disruptions and with care to ensure safety for all. Here are the steps:

The fiber conversion process is not just about cables; it's about bringing you faster, more reliable internet. Stay tuned for updates as we work hard to make it happen! Remember that installation time can vary depending on several factors, but the estimated time is usually around 2 months. 

When you are ready to get fiber service, reach out to us to get your neighborhood on our fiber conversion schedule!

Call BTC to switch today
(918) 366-8000