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Online Security Best Practices

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When online, the only option is to stay vigilant. Hackers are getting smarter and many people fall vulnerable to this. We've got some simple steps to remain safe online. Check out our best practices.

Social Media

When on social media, make sure you stay vigilant. We have seen too many times where a personal Facebook is compromised due to many varied reasons like having credit card information, phishing frauds, an easy password to guess, an outdated email, or security breaches.

You can keep your social media secure by changing your password every three months. Ensure it is a complicated and robust password every single time when you do change it. Social media is a prime playing field for hackers because we include a lot of sensitive data like personal information, sharing the details of our lives, and sharing content that could be a harmful link from a spammer.

Strong Passwords

It seems simple, right? However, strong passwords provide another layer to ensure online security. It is essential to continue changing your password often. Your strong password should also contain capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

To ensure a strong password, do not use birthdays, names, or phone numbers. Consider using a password manager on your mobile device to help keep track of your passwords.

Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication allows you or your corporation to have two separate forms of identification to access an account. It is usually warranted after you sign in with a password, and the second is a text message.

For example, have you ever verified an account by logging in and then receiving a code via text message before you could fully access the account? That is two-factor authentication, and it has proved remarkably successful.

Public Networks

Ensure your computer's security by remaining connected to a safe and secure online connection. Your network that has a strong password and is private will be your best option besides a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

A VPN ensures an extra layer of security with an encrypted connection over the Internet from your device to a network. It ensures that sensitive data is safely transmitted. A public network is people eavesdropping on your traffic, so, if possible, avoid public networks at all costs!

Once you stay educated and figure out a good rhythm, you can keep these things top of mind to be an online security pro! But remember, no matter how vigilant you are we are all susceptible to hackers online!